welly welly well well
Stricken by a catalystic lack of fortitude...
Unencumbered by severely acclimatized focus...
Bourgeouning a comprehensive carelessness...
Surrendering to a lackadaisical effort ethic...
Falling Down...
Fraught with inelegance, this blog will promote idiosyncracies beyond the seventh degree of wisdom.
Stricken by a catalystic lack of fortitude...
Unencumbered by severely acclimatized focus...
Bourgeouning a comprehensive carelessness...
Surrendering to a lackadaisical effort ethic...
Falling Down...
Well my friend you have aquired a fan of your writing, though I don't suppose you give a damm. I look for the music of words when I read poetry and your words sing.
Great job.
I come to your blog with a purpose.
To build a following in order to screen my book. I plan to blog my book chapter by chapter.Would you consider helping me as a crtitc/editor. Thank you for your consideration.
JoGreg: You evoke a judgmental tinge to presuppose how I would feel about a new reader.
Thanks for the compliment concerning my writing.
I have visited and will continue to visit your blog.
pardon the judgement. it's the wise ass kid from Brooklyn in me, though I think I get that when I feel like I know a person even if I don't. Again, pardon, was hoping to get a laugh or at least a smile out of you.
I do welcome the corrections, though I'm a little embarrased in regards to my grammmar. I hope you don't mind if I don't post them. I have already made the corrections and I truly thank you for your support.
Great movie.
I come to your blog without a single purpose or thought in my mind.
But, you knew that.
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