Monday, January 21, 2013

cold spell

It has been a while since we've had a cold spell like this one.

The forecast high for today is -16C (-19)

Tomorrow, -14C (-27)

Wednesday, -20C (-34)

Thursday, -17C (-28)

Friday, -14C (-24)

With winds between 15 and 20 kph, there is a wind-chill factor for each of the days which I put in parentheses above.

For those of you who live in more tropical climes, this is what we describe as cold here. -5C, 1C or 3C are not cold.


ghost said...

one word for this west texas boy. nope.

Zhoen said...

Those are impressive numbers. What are your dew points like?

Our three winters in Boston, each, had two weeks when the temps never got above 0˚F, -17C, with winds off the ocean that beat the tears out of our eyes. I don't think it ever got past -20C, though. Frostbite comes fast under those conditions. Having the right clothing, and housing, is essential.

Exhilarating, but exhausting.

Only down to -14C here, single digit dew points.

Debstar said...

Impressive numbers indeed. I cannot even begin to imagine what that's like for you.

Phil Plasma said...

ghost: indeed

zhoen: none of the websites that I check for weather show dew point in any obvious spot. I do not find it particularly exhausting; when one is sufficiently equipped all is good.

deb: no, I don't suppose you can. It really isn't that bad so long as you are dressed appropriately. And as zhoen indicated with respect to the importance of housing; our homes and buildings here are better insulated and more air tight.

Zhoen said...

Does this have your city?

Phil Plasma said...