Tuesday, March 22, 2016

when rice goes on strike

On a beautiful sunny day when the temperature doesn't rise above 4C, there is something to be said for weather appropriate garments.

I am still eating very little on Mondays and Thursdays, usually opting for a light (or not so light) evening meal I refer to as supper. This represents a 24 hour fast, since I would not have eaten since the previous supper. It used to be that I would manage a 36 hour fast by not eating that supper and waiting until breakfast the next morning, but I haven't managed to do this in quite a few months.

There is a taxi stand that I can see out the window of where I sit at work, if I stand up so as to look down to street level. Usually there are between four and eight taxis queued. I do not know the rate at which the front most taxi becomes occupied as I have not been able to spend any significant amount of time watching to see how often and how quickly people climb into the taxi at the front. I've seen it happen a few times as it is coincidental that when I get up to check on them, someone is getting in at that exact moment. Then the front taxi takes off and the others behind all move forward.

With respect to Uber, this taxi queue just outside my building is more convenient in terms of transport because there is always a taxi there, just waiting. The only draw back is that taxis cost more than Uber does. I make use of a taxi perhaps 0.3 times per year and do not have an Uber account.


Zhoen said...

Uber worries me, as a woman on my own I would never use them. No double checks, a low bar. Most of the drivers are no doubt fine folks. But it's a system that would give predatory men a huge advantage.

Debstar said...

I did the fast diet for the first 6 months of last year but then I got one flu/head cold/gastric bug after another and my resolve went right out the window and I managed to put on a fair bit of weight. I have tried once or twice to start it again this year but have failed miserably. Maybe after Easter........

Phil Plasma said...

I have some women co-worker friends who only use Uber and they are thrilled for the service, for whatever reason.

If I got really sick I would probably skip a day or two, but I am finding it has been quite beneficial for me, so I have kept at it for almost a year now.

meshie said...

I never did get into the fasting regime. Once I have a proper life routine again I will attempt it; I've heard a lot of beneficial things about it.

Phil Plasma said...

mesh: ketosis and autophagy, these are the two big things about fasting. I don't do it for the former as much as I do it for the latter as I haven't a lot of weight to lose.