Wednesday, March 28, 2018

burning the brand named parietal lobe cuffs

A decorative teapot once went bowling with a seedless cucumber that was wearing a California style hemp coat. The teapot got three gutter balls in a row before knocking down two pins in the second frame. The cucumber fared worse as she kept tripping on the sleeve hem which was loose considering the cucumber's lack of arms; it was a poorly made hemp coat.

Not all Hungarians know what time it was I brushed my teeth this morning.

There is a bucket into which can be put all things made of couch shavings; this bucket, once full, can be emptied into a tank made of plexi-toast which would then be admired by semi-arid assistant Zamboni drivers who eat M&Ms by colour.

There is a richness to the kind of napkin used by 17th century pirates. I should know.

If a three legged unicycle took a vacation to Lapland and brought with it an entourage of femur-less rhododendrons, would a naked slate fiddle with his wrist watch with growing uncertainty as to what time it is?

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