Wednesday, January 30, 2019

symbols and cymbals

The macro version of the left most, the right most and all of the least of the most of the highest of the lowest of the most ranked and lowest level was not even enough to know which one to choose.

That all of the choices we make, even the most mundane of them, can lead to all but one of the paths totally ignored isn't something that people usually give a thought to. Do those alternate paths even exist?

Existential or not, those paths ignored could have led to either a slightly dissimilar outcome, or, a diametrically opposite circumstance. Outcomes and circumstances together make up a rich description of the most immediate, of the closest to now that exists. But once it's gone, it's gone.

When everything else is gone, done with, even forgotten, this opens up anew the new. Now the macro version is no less confused, the decisions we make are no less mundane, the inexistentialism of the paths we don't choose are still ignored and those dissimilar outcomes didn't happen. It is much like taking two steps forward, and ignoring the rest. Better to yield.

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