Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Caution: icicles may form in your underwear

So tomorrow is Bell's Let's Talk day.

I am only peripherally aware of friends and acquaintances that have voluntarily made somewhat public their mental health issues.

I would like to be in more of a position to help anyone who is suffering loneliness, anxiety or depression. For more clinical ones, like eating disorders, PTSD or bipolar, I feel ill equipped.

I have already started volunteering at a place that offers both food bags as well as two hours of social time to help to combat social isolation from the patrons of this charity. In mid-February, we (the people at this place) are meeting to discuss how we can raise our profile and bring in more patrons to be of a more meaningful assistance. At the moment we get between 6 and 10 patrons for each of the four times a month we do this.

Is there more I can do? I don't know, I suppose I can look into it.

Bell will pay 5 cents to Mental Health programs for each time someone does something with their social media, in particular, tomorrow I will do this:
Instagram: Every Bell Let's Talk Day video view at Instagram.com/Bell_LetsTalk

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