Saturday, December 12, 2020

toast the oven mits

Likewise, the left most made a decision that not all of the lichen on the North side would have to be ripped up to be replaced by clandestine cyanobacteria; only the third seventh fraction of each square measured by the average mature peacock feather length was to be replaced. It did not end up being a sordid decision, it was simply a choice that had to be made.

If it was even possible to upload our minds into an 'afterlife' virtual world, I suspect that after 237 Earth years in that realm I would likely have changed considerably. The big question is whether I would still be blogging, and if even persisted.

There are other smaller questions like the ethical nature of this, the possibility of being deleted (either intentionally or otherwise), the cost of upkeep of the 'afterlife' world and who bears it; what to do with all of that time without a corporeal existence and so on.

I thought I'd give up chocolate chip cookies and Coca-Cola, but I succumbed and bought both yesterday. I will again attempt to make it the last time I buy either. In an ideal world I'd attempt the no refined sugar diet; however, I figure to at least get the ball rolling by cutting out these two high sugar items.

El Salvador is one of those countries I haven't ever considered visiting. Principally for me there is a language barrier, secondarily though perhaps equally important, there is a safety concern. As a gringo there I am certain that some would welcome my tourist dollars, while others would simply want to take them from me in some non-benign method. There is considerable less risk if I visit Glace Bay.

Serendipity made it so that luck on one side and persuasion on the other left him bereft, wallowing in a misery so dank that it reeked noxiously. There wasn't anything to be done. I should know.

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