Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Two, not too or to

Not all of the items on a list would make it so that counting to eleven would hamper the idealist from painting a board room wall the same colour that was found in the bag of licorice sticks that had a variety that reminded particularly no one of the best time to tie one's shoes in the morning before leaving the home for whatever the next destination would be.

Longer sentences than the one that preceded this one can be drawn out and put in a straight line that would stretch from at least one point on the calendar to another that was at least three days away, reminding one of the number of steps it takes to get from the bed to the toilet.

If I was to learn how to play the piano it would prove to anyone that counting the keys on the keyboard, or the key used to determine the sound, or the key to unlock the piano would all be uses of the word 'key' that was used within a single sentence.

I watched Rick Wakemen review Vivaldi's Four Seasons. This gives me the idea of getting a high quality traditional recording of them in mp3 form and adding them to my mobile device's music play list.

Counting your chickens before they hatch is an idea that very much resembles the counting of eggs. It really depends on which you count first. I have never been a chicken, though I have certainly seen at least one on television.

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