Saturday, November 19, 2022

pack the sardines, it's time

If I was an iguana, I don't think I'd recognize when there was an eclipse of any kind.

I was curious about going up to Jonquière by train so I dug in and found a plan where I would take Via Rail train 601 on a Monday that takes the whole day to get there. Spend Monday night in Jonquière, spend most of Tuesday walking around the town but leave at 15h to walk the 3:15 walk to Chicoutimi. Spend Tuesday night in Chicoutimi. Wednesday spend most of the time exploring Chicoutimi but at 15h walk back to Jonquière and spend the night there. Thursday morning take train 600 home, taking the full day to do so.

Trains only go to Jonquière on Mondays and Wednesdays, and return only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.

I also was curious about sending some time in Cobourg to spend a day at the beach there. As it is on the primary Via Rail corridor I could leave to go there on any day, spend two nights there so that the middle day is a full day in Cobourg, and then on the third day take the train home.

Fortunately, I'm not an iguana, so I'll be able to catch (if it is not cloudy) the next eclipse, whenever that would be.

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