Wednesday, February 21, 2024

keep right except to pass

Not all of the ice cream cones that got slobbered upon by the nine year old rottweiler were made of Amazon delivery person ear wax flavoured straw hats.

I learned about the Hanke-Henry Permanent Calendar earlier this week (actually, 1455 days ago); I had not heard of it before. Curiously, the day I was born was a Tuesday, and the date of my birthday on their calendar is also a Tuesday.

A cicada and a cricket were one-upping each other to see who could be the loudest. The nearby cat did not enjoy this competition one bit.

The sound of a cicada will always remind me of my youth, cycling through the town I grew up in and hearing them in the depth of summer. The sound of a cricket triggers no such fond memory.

Sauntering on the running track, so long as you keep to the closest inside route, is acceptable. Sprinting on the running track, so long as you avoid the closest inside route, is also acceptable. Napping on the running track; not acceptable.

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