Sunday, August 11, 2024

Mork from Ork

Can you believe it has been ten years since Robin Williams died?

It is sad that he took his life after years of depression, especially considering his on screen persona being of such energy and excitement.

I was quite young when he played Mork so I do not have much memory of those TV episodes, but, from his filmography there are four that I'd like to call to mind:
1. Good Morning Vietnam - in this one the director/producer/writer left Robin on his own to improvise his on-air scenes, and you really get a taste for his skill at putting words together.
2. Mrs. Doubtfire - such a touching story.
3. Dead Poets Society
4. Good Will Hunting

He managed to perform extremely well in his stand up comedy performances and comedy roles in movies, while also doing an amazing job in his more dramatic roles.

I do not believe there was anyone like him before he arrived in this world, and I am doubtful there'll be anyone like him in the future.

Na-Nu Na-Nu!

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