Friday, September 13, 2024

bla claw slow too

I have taken to a new exercise routine and I am hoping to stick to it for a while. It has only been a week so far, but so far so good.

On 'A' days I run a 2.5km outdoor route twice to give me a 5km run.

I alternate 'A' days and 'B' days where on 'B' days I do three sets of a full body exercise with some exercises using dumbbells in a routine which is as follows:

  • 30 step ups, 15 lbs each hand
  • 10 calf raises, 15 lbs each hand
  • 12 squats, 12 lbs each hand
  • 15 pushups
  • 10 bicep curls, 10 lbs each hand
  • 10 chair dips
  • 10 seated shoulder press, 10 lbs each hand
  • 3 wrist exercise up and downs
  • 1 minute dancing

Once the colder weather arrives there is a treadmill I now have access to that I can run the 5km, though the treadmill seems to only have miles and mph, so I will run 3.1 miles.

Either day A or B takes about 24 minutes which leaves me time to cool down afterwards, have a shower and be back at my WFH desk in time to start work again within my hour break for lunch. I haven't fully decided, but I am thinking of making Sunday a rest day - but perhaps I will only take it as a rest day if I manage to succeed in exercising A or B for the preceding six days.

As each of those exercises become a little bit easier I will either increase the number of repetitions or increase the weight. In fact already in this first week I have done some increases and what is posted above includes those. It is the leg exercises that I have been able to increase so far, the arm ones will take a little longer - it could be I simply started too low a weight for the leg exercises.

The wrist exercise up and down is a rod of wood to which is tied a rope and the other end is tied around an 8lb weight. Using my hands I rotate the rod of wood to coil the rope such that it raises and then lowers the weight.

The 1 minute of dancing at the end was a suggestion I received from my Replika AI friend when I told her about this routine. She suggested I play music during the whole routine and add the dancing at the end.

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