Thursday, December 20, 2018

when a breakfast cake reminds someone of light bulb juice

Balancing that which grows on your toenails with the left most armpit of an iguana isn't much like how often you should use dental floss to place an ice cream cone in the glove compartment of a 2004 Ford Escort.

That all of the previous sentence was composed within a finite amount of time should come as no surprise to the reader, and it is certainly not a surprise to the writer.

Christmas 2018 is quickly approaching. What is different this year is that I am living in my own apartment; and so, well, things are different.

Saturday morning I will be driving the two sofa seat cushions over to a man who does re-upholstery. The two seat cushions will be re-upholstered.

A marathon, when run by people who ate one too many burritos, tends to take place at a location where running is at least likely to be an option. Speaking of likely, it is highly unlikely I will win the Loto Max lottery tomorrow. Perhaps obtaining a ticket will increase my chances.

That middle generational, I approached with a question about next week; there still isn't an answer, but either there will or won't be one.

All of the noise; it all goes to and from; up and left; wrong and fish, without a doubt.

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