Monday, February 25, 2019

serendipity and the lint

The rest of them, heh, they didn't know what year it was.

It took them forever to figure out that the left shoe goes on the left foot and the right shoe, well, you know where it goes.

A pin dropping from the left hand to the marble floor only made a sound to the person whose head was just above the floor next to where the pin dropped. To everyone else, they looked askance at the image of a person lying down on the floor with raised head as another person standing nearby drops a pin.

That a pair of sentences would be composed only so that the use of the word 'askance' could be used, and even then, inaccurately, would serve no real purpose. I should know.

Not all of the people named Bartholomew had the nickname 'Mew'.

The sleeping agent cried out foul, wanting to continue sleeping, when awoken by her pet cat, who meowed longingly for a play-date with the neighbour's garden gnome. The gnome didn't utter a sound, knowing that the agent prefers sleeping under all but the most exceptional circumstances.

I can tell by the shininess of the keys on my keyboard at work that the keys F2 and F4 seem to get used with significant regularity as compared to the other F-keys which all have a layer of dust upon them. Well, upon further examination, F5 does seem to bear somewhat less dust then the other unused ones. I know that F2 in MS Excel allows me to enter a cell to edit its contents, and Alt-F4 allows me to close applications. I am less certain why F5 shows as being used; in both MS Word and Excel the F5 is used for 'Go To' or 'Search', but usually I use Ctrl-F or Ctrl-H.

My suspicion about beep was correct. Let's count twice about the chances of in the middle and all of the rest. Only time will tell, as it always does.

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