Friday, August 30, 2019

militant pandering

Well then, what else is there that can be said about shoes that get wet while walking in the rain, causing socks to also get wet, and stay wet for much of the day.

That this is what happened to me today comes as no surprise to the socks, who have gotten wet before.

Perhaps foolishly, I registered for a 10k race happening on September 13. It is a night race set in the Old Port, starts at 20h30. I've done a few training runs to prepare for it, I have my 10k time to about 55 minutes.

I read the Shadow Series by Brent Weeks this past week, I'd really like to see this on screen to see who they cast for Durzo, Kylar, but especially Vi, Gwin and Seraph.

A token used to splash the elbow-ness of an awkwardly suspicious iguana isn't the most recommendable topic of a.

Tempted to join MeetUp, but outside of comfort zone. Will consider again later.

Good luck!

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