Thursday, January 09, 2020

that two makes three isn't the best maths

I do not know what I have changed in the last six weeks to make it that I have gotten a cold, twice now. Mid December, and just started yesterday, not feeling well, continuing into today.

I know that it seems to coincide with me having gotten rid of my car; so perhaps it is that now I am spending more time outside walking from place to place compared to what I used to be doing.

I'm making sure to drink plenty of water, and last night when I went to sleep I didn't set my alarm, allowing my body to awaken in the morning at whatever time it would. Normally I get out of bed at around 5h51, but this morning I slept until 7h and got out of bed soon after.

In other news, with some friends, we have begun a push-up challenge. Do as many as possible in one set, every day. We've created a WhatsApp group specifically for the reporting of this, and it seems we have a handful of people participating. The highest number I've reached thus far is 32, and so far, I haven't missed a day.

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