Tuesday, March 23, 2021

twice, not eleventeen

Radiating following the isotope that didn't render the flurry of a henchman denied the elbow noodle a smattering of livid enigmatic ponderings made of blueberry infused cheese and Peloton servers.

That all of the underlings couldn't have counted to the highest number less than 1,000 that was both a prime number and denoted an address on Smith street north would make vapid the particulars of the generic whatevers.

The author of this post would be inclined to illustrate with cavities the saltine fragrantly-devoid Mesopotamian solution to ill-fated democracy in a patriarchal society. This inclination could easily be opposed by a mediocre supply level of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

Ordering pizza by the left wrist, determining the usual quantities and toppings, makes up a list of items that if all of the posterior edges were rammed into a single solid cheese slice (as used by fast food restaurants in a cheese-burger) would send Indonesian based company stock prices to rise by an infinitesimal amount barely registerable.

This post could contain at least one more paragraph of the same nature of the previous three, but instead, it will contain but a sentence.

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