Wednesday, July 21, 2021

the quartet of burps

So, playing i/g lately, I get the ball to hit the net and still go over. The player against whom I am playing has as his name Sibichan, and he aims to get the edge of the table, succeeding one to four times each session we play, and when he does so I call it a 'Sibiedge'.

When I succeed in getting the ball to hit the net and go over, it is usually unreturnable due to the change of speed and direction. Often when this happens I thank the net and will call out that the 'net is my best friend'.

What initially appears to be unrelated is that one of the u-tube channels that I follow is 'Gilles pis La p'tite'. It is a channel featuring these two 20-something women, Gilles has Tourette's Syndrome and the channel was created to expose people to this syndrome to make it more socially accepted. They have some interesting videos where they attempt to bake brownies, or do each other's makeup and other things like this.

While I do find their channel entertaining, one of the reasons why I stay subscribed is how pleasing it is to me to see these two friends have fun together; they are indeed, best friends.

The closest I ever got to having a best friend was when I was in grade 5 and grade 6 in elementary school. I became friends with Martin and we'd go to each other's houses on a regular basis and saw each other many times. Grade 6 here is the last year of primary school, and he and I ended up going to different high schools that also happened to be geographically very distanced from each other. We saw each other a few times after grade 6, but it was purely by chance.

In high school I eventually became part of a group of friends, but never had a single one of them I could consider 'best'. In CEGEP and university I was mostly working and doing my studies full time, so my friend group was steadily reduced. Soon after I started to work I became friends with Tony and Mike and the three of us became good friends.

At 17564 days old today I still have not had the best friend experience like Gilles pis La p'tite and it seems what I have been successful at recently, is being best friends with an i/g net.

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