Tuesday, December 05, 2023


Out my living room window yesterday just after 10h. It has been many years since we had a significant snow fall as our first snow fall of the season. By the end, yesterday, we had received 30cm,

It has been well below zero for today and tomorrow and so many of these trees are maintaining the snow that is being held by them. This coming weekend, however, the weather is reaching far above 0c as compared to the normal this time of year, and will do so for at least three days, so that will turn much of the snow to slush, or melt it altogether.

I read about this place called Naujaat, it has an airport to get to it and is located just about at the Arctic Circle in Nunavut. It is pretty amazing that the sun set there today at 13h15. There is a hotel in this village and so I would have a place to stay. I found through local and commercial airlines it would take four different aircraft and about 4200$ over three days to get there (and back). Alternatively, for 55,000$USD I could charter an airplane that flies direct in about 5.5 hours.

The chartered aircraft from the Jetone site I got the quick quote from says it seats 6-8, so let's say six. If I had 9200$USD that I could dig up and also had five equally wealthy and interested friends, we could book it. Or, I win the lottery and pay for the whole trip.

Mind, what does hiring a private jet to get somewhere (even if it is a turbo prop in the case) do to the environment? There is no train that can get me there.

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