Sunday, May 16, 2021

twelve-teen times eleventy-six

There isn't much I can say about the number of items a person would put in their grocery cart three sevenths of the way through their grocery shopping trip. Today I did a grocery run and when I reached the 3/7ths point of my shopping I had six items (four bananas in one bunch and two avocados).

Do you count a bunch of bananas as one item, or do you count the individual bananas? In terms of the receipt, they are accounted for by weight which is independent of the number of bananas.

There is even less I can say about arthropods that prefer ice skating compared to roller blading.

I have a lot to say about my shoe size and eye colour; well, not a lot, exactly, but at least something to say about them. I wear size 41 (European size) shoes and my eyes are described as being hazel in colour.

Out of curiosity I looked up the estimated general population (world wide) of hazel eye coloured people and we are about 5% of all eyed people. It isn't clear to me at all how my eyes ended up this way as none of my parent's parents or my parents have this eye colour.

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