Wednesday, September 01, 2021

night shift?

So things are moving ahead with this 23-7 shift picker/packer job for the grocery store chain.

I have applied for it to be part time, but I am thinking now that if I was to do that shift, it might be better to do it full time.

It has to do with changing my sleep schedule to be a fixed alternative, rather than jumping back and forth between different schedules.

What follows is what I envision.

23:00-07:00 this is the work shift and in the middle of it I presume there will be a break for lunch, and what I'll call supper.

7:00-7:30 commute home - the location is an 85 minute walk or a 100 minute public transit commute or a 29 minute bike ride. In the immediate I would use my bike, but plan on getting an electric scooter.

On weeks that I have the kids and the kids are in school, they ought to have left already by the time I get home, or will have just left. If was to to leave work early by 10 minutes and race home, I might catch them.

7:30-8:00 putz around in my apartment, eat a small healthy snack, take it easy.

8:00-8:20 read in my bedroom which has had the windows blacked out so that it is absolute dark in there and I need to use the lamp to read. So I will need to find an inexpensive way to blot out all natural light.

8:20-14:30 I sleep for six hours and 10 minutes, and this is my primary sleep window. If I have the kids with me and they are in school, they won't be home. If they are home, I will ask them to be silent until I awaken.

14:30-14:40 Have one of those lamps that very gradually brighten to simulate a sunrise

14:40-15:10 Have breakfast and have this be my biggest meal of the day since it will have a fair number of hours following that I will be awake.

15:10-19:00 roughly four hours of free time until 'lunch'. This is when the kids would come back and I would spend time with them.

19:00-19:30 Lunch, a light meal since I will be going to sleep soon

19:30-20:00 Do something calming for this half hour, like reading

20:00-22:00 Evening sleep session where I am not awoken gently, at 22:00 it is time to get up and get ready to go to work.

22:00-22:30 Eat a snack and prepare and pack my 'supper' that I'll eat at work and otherwise get ready to go to work.

22:30-23:00 commute to work, as mentioned above, by bike until I get an electric scooter.

On days that I do not work I won't want to change this up too much. My evening sleep I would do from 20:00 to 23:00, and then I would wake up, do something out of the apartment to make sure that I stay awake to mimic a work shift. Get back and sleep from 7:00 until 14:00. If I am not working the next night, it means from 14:00 until 20:00 I have open to do whatever, for example, going to the cinema.

It can be seen that since I would have to keep to this odd sleep schedule seven days a week so as not to ruin my circadian rhythm it may be better if I was full time. Since my original application was for part time, I will start doing it that way and see if I actually like the job itself. And if that works, I'll see if I can switch to full time.

What doing this schedule will mean for me is that instead of going to church on Sunday mornings at 9:00 (which is during my primary sleep session) I would go on Saturday evening at 16:00.

Occasionally I would sacrifice my evening sleep session for things like the book group that happens once a month, or a church meeting that happens once or twice a month during that evening time slot.

I'll work with my financial planner to see how long I would need to do this job in terms of months or years, I think maybe just a few years, but I'll know with more certainty after I meet with him in two weeks.

I do not actually have an offer yet, but the phone interview today went pretty well and it doesn't look like there is any impediment for them to hire me.

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